Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hour 8 1/2 of Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon

So this morning I went to my local library and found a couple of books. I've started with The Tale of Despereaux which I'm not too enthused about. This isn't usually my genre of books but I'm trying to read shorter books. It's my first readathon and I find it very hard. Especially since I seemed to be wide awake at one in the morning last night. It must be a little too much Dr. Pepper, ooopps! So anyway, I'm digressing. The list of books I left the library with besides my current read are:

Charlotte's Web by E.B. White (audio cd)
Stuart Little by E.B. White
Charle and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell
Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl
The Velveteen Rabbit by William Nicholson (just to break things up a bit!)

So that's all. I may decide if I tire of any of these to dip into one of my romance novels or chic lit books. They are my fave genre but I'm trying to stick with these. I'm going to see a show tonight so I'll be not reading for a few hours. Kind of wishing that I didn't have to go so I could read all day. Anyway, back to reading or listening. I'll try to post more later.


  1. You have a wonderful stack of books! Happy Reading today!

  2. Austen, Hemingway
    Rushdie, Poe
    When it comes to reading
    You’re a pro!

  3. I like books
    I really do.
    Books with stories
    And pictures, too. (Author unknown)

    Hope you're enjoying everyone you meet and everywhere you go in your reading today.

  4. Great books. I'm going to read Because of Winn-Dixie (she also wroth the Tale of Despereux). Have fun with your read-a-thon adventure : )

    HAPPY readings and GO Team Wordsworth!!!
    *shakes pom poms*

  5. Have a great second half RAT! Shorter books are a good idea!

  6. Hope your reading is going great!!

    Cheering you on!
