Friday, April 09, 2010

Dewey's Read-a-Thon

So last night I signed up for Dewey's 24 hour readathon and I'm totally excited to sink my teeth into some great books. At the moment there's about ten hours till it officially starts. I have two excursions during the day but other than that I'll be totally into it for at least 10-12 hours.

To read more about the history of the fun event dedicated to my favorite cat, go to

You can also read some facts here:

My goal is to read at least 3-4 books if I can. My list of books are fairly short and are mostly juvenile in format. That way I can just breeze through!

They are as follows:

~Peter Pan
~The Tale of Despereaux
~Ella Enchanted
~Bridge to Terabithia
~Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
~Island of the Blue Dolphins
~Charlotte's Web
~Stuart Little
~Journey to the Centre of The Earth

I may add more once I get to the library tomorrow and browse around. I have two others and if I get bored of something I can just switch it up! Anyway, I should go to bed but I'll try to post when I have a chance. Not usually too good at keeping it current but I'll try! Good luck tomorrow everyone!


  1. Good Luck! Go Team Woodsworth! ---Happy Reading!

  2. Have a fantastic day of reading - woo hoo :)

  3. YAY! Go Sherri! Have fun and keep me up-to-date on your progress :)

  4. Looks like you are making great headway
    Keep up the reading, don’t let that head sway
    Eyes on the page and coffee in hand
    You’ll be entering a new land.


  5. That's a great pile of books! Enjoy!
